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Green Gryphon Audio

In less than a week, the audio book for Green Gryphon will be release. It's now up for pre-order on sites like Amazon, Kobo, and Barnes and Noble. I wasn't able to find a link to apple books, but if I do, I will add a button for it.

I am so excited for this release. Tantor has been fantastic to work with, and I am a massive fan of Justine Eyre. I have listened to all Nalini Singh's Guild Hunter Novels, and she does a amazing job.

Just so everyone is aware, there are aspects of this project I have had no control over. The price being the biggest one. Tantor sets the price and I get royalties. Though I have to say, looking at the pre-order price on amazon and such, I'm kinda impressed at how low it is. Trade paperbacks from indie authors can run equal if not higher.

The other thing is that I have not heard the book other than the snippet before the release. But Tantor works with authors like Nalini Singh, Dannika Dark, Chloe Neill, and many more. So I know it's going to be good.

I can't wait to have a listen, and to hear any feed back you have on the Audio version.

Until then, Happy Listening!


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